Monday, July 2, 2007


Wikinomics is a journey into how collaboration and the changes being enabled by Web 2.0 can help in many aspects of work.

The core theme of change is constant and getting (and staying) as close to your customers as possible is the key to success. The book pushes openness across organizations and describes some very good examples of how, contrary to many opinions, it can and will be a successful option.

The book has some great insights on how you can use some of the platforms emerging on the Web 2.0 domain to build collaboration.

The Tipping Point

Aimed at marketing on the face of it I was pointed in the direction of this book by the MBA Podcast. Having read it though I find myself thinking of ways of applying the underlying concepts in many ways.

First I think of how I can build and raise awareness of my personal branding. I can also apply this to Knowledge Management and trying to get the adoption of KM ideas to tip for me.

The Now Habit has some very practical examples of how you can, by following the steps laid out, change your ways. Some of the tools are quite useful. I have combined this with David Allens Getting Things Done and found myself to much more productive.

Where GTD focuses on more passive organization The Now Habit takes a more active approach to getting you through the task at hand. I find the use of rewards after 30 minutes of quality action to be a great way to get me started on some of those more unpleasant tasks.